Someone once said that "knowledge is power", and we at Payable want you to be as powerful as possible! That's why we automatically email you when your Payable Form receives a new order so that you may stay up-to-date on your sales activity.
What do these Admin Emails look like?
A sample of the Admin Order Notification email
How to Share This Notifications with Others
If you want to automatically share this admin order notification emails with an associate or colleague of yours, here are the steps to add them to the list of recipients:
Open your Payable sidebar (click the Add Ons puzzle piece > Payable Forms > Configure Payment Settings)
Click on Notification Settings in your sidebar
Toggle Email Settings from Classic to Advanced (if necessary)
Look for the field titled Order Notification Email(s), here you may enter additional email addresses you want to be notified about new orders (be sure to separate the email addresses with a comma)
Enabled Advanced Email Settings to CC Others on your Order Notifications
How to Disable This Notification
If you don't want to be notified every time your form receives a new order simply follow these steps to disable this Admin Order Notification:
Open your Payable sidebar (click the Add Ons puzzle piece > Payable Forms > Configure Payment Settings)
Click on Notification Settings in your sidebar
Toggle Email Settings from Classic to Advanced (if necessary)
Toggle Email Admin on New Orders from Yes to No